The Girl with Seven Names: A Captivating Story of Escaping and Surviving from North Korea

The Girl with Seven Names Escape from North Korea

Hyeonseo Lee’s The Girl with Seven Names is a riveting and inspiring autobiography about her voyage to freedom from North Korea. Lee’s tale exemplifies the strength of human will and the potential for triumph over overwhelming odds. Lee’s story begins in Hyesan, North Korea, where she was raised under Kim Jong-brutal il’s dictatorship. She was … Read more

Top 17 Best-Selling Korean Books on Amazon

It is hard to always be current on which novels are selling the best on Amazon. However, here is a list of some of the best-selling Korean books translated into English as of September 2021. Please remember that the top 100 best-selling Korean novels may not include all the titles on this list. Again, this … Read more

An Emotional and Moving Look at Love, Loss, and Family in Kyung-Sook Shin’s “Please Look After Mom”

Please Look After Mom is a strong and heartbreaking novel by Kyung-Sook Shin about parenting, loss, and family. The tale follows a family as they try to locate their missing mother in the crowded subways of Seoul. As they look for their mother, the members of the family reflect on their individual encounters with her … Read more

A Chilling Examining of Selfhood, Authority, and Subjugation in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian

The Vegetarian, Han Kang’s novel, is a fascinating and introspective look at the human condition. Yeong-hye, the protagonist of the tale, is an apparently typical and submissive wife who, for no apparent reason, decides to become a vegetarian. Because of this choice, a series of events unfolds that puts her in direct contact with her … Read more